ACO KerbDrain® CycleKerb
Combined kerb and drainage solutions for cycle lanes
ACO KerbDrain® CycleKerb builds on ACO’s popular KerbDrain range with products specifically designed for cycle lanes. The CycleKerb units provide continuous drainage of cycle paths as well as ensuring safe and distinct transitions between pedestrian and non-pedestrian areas.

The ACO KerbDrain® combined kerb and drainage system provides versatile and efficient linear drainage for motorways, trunk roads, urban infrastructure, and landscaping projects. The CycleKerb range builds on the solutions available for cycle lanes, incorporating versatility to accommodate the various cycle lane setups that may occur in an urban environment, including locations such as bus stops and pedestrian crossings.
The Bullnose profile of the CycleKerb units can be combined with HB profiles and drop kerbs, which are available in our ACO KerbDrain® D400 range. This allows engineers and designers to optimize scheme hydraulics for cycle lane drainage, ensuring a seamless transition between cycle lane and non-cycle lane areas. The one-piece construction of ACO KerbDrain® CycleKerb, along with the lightweight properties, facilitates quick and easy installation, even when a fully watertight installation is required.
Cycle lane safety
Public safety was of the highest priority when designing ACO KerbDrain® Cyclekerb, with care taken to ensure the range meets the requirements of LTN1/20 and the guidance from the Accessibility Research Groups’ commissioned research for The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. The channel design ensures all surface water runoff is safely removed over the entire length of the installation, and that the height and profile make it distinguishable for blind and partially sighted people.
Cycle lanes around the city
Cycelane's can be quite complex as they navigate the urban enviroment and ensure the safety of all; drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. The ACO KerbDrain® CycleKerb has been designed to allow for wide spectrum of cycle lane layouts, and offering solutions to common drainage challenges. Click on the below case studies to see how the CycleKerb is designed to cater for each area.
Case Reports
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