ACO StormSed Vortex

Pollutant removal through vortex separation

From residential to industrial and infrastructure projects, the ACO StormSed Vortex removes pollutants such as floatable and sediment bound contaminants from surface rainfall. The removal of sediments from surface water is a crucial stage of a suds project, with around 75 percent of chemical pollution, such as metals and residual oils bound to sediment. 

Used either as the preliminary or independent treatment, the ACO StormSed Vortex can extend the service life of downstream products and extend maintenance intervals of downstream drainage systems. 

Unlike conventional oil separators, the StormSed is able to offer a level of treatment for the extreme rainfalls while being sized for a more typical rainfall.

Watch the video (on the left) to find out more on how the ACO StormSed Vortex operates and removes pollutants. 

StormSed in Design
Sed-Vortex 500*300

The ACO StormSed Vortex boasts a variety of features to allow for a optimally designed drainage network.

High Performance 

The ACO StormSed Vortex is designed to remove 100% of floatables and 50% of total suspended solids, of 75-micron particles at high treatment flowrates (and up to 80% when required - please contact ACO if required). 

Wide Range of flow rates

The ACO StormSed Vortex is available in a wide variety of sizes to accomodate projects from small to large in scope. This includes pipe size to accomodate the severe rainfall situations.  

Treatment for Severe Rainfall

Unlike conventional separators the StormSed will still offer a level of treatment during severe rainfall, when designed for lower rainfalls. During the severe rainfalls the StormSed will capture all floatables. 

StormSed on Site

When designing the ACO StormSed, a efficent installation process and easy maintenace regime for the system was of high prioity:

No Manhole Chamber Required

The ACO StormSed comes pre-frabricated with a protective casing and can be installed as a isolated unit. This translates to a saving in total installation cost and time. 

Compact Installation

The ACO StormSed offers a signiificant lower foot print relative to conventional separators. This not only enables installation within a tigher space, but reduces installation cost and time.

Simple Maintenance

Maintenance is undertaken at ground level, accessed via a single manhole access cover using a suction hose. The majority of floatables are accessed and suctioned through the active treatment chamber. When required the sediment is also easily accessed. 

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ACO StormSed Filter

When surface water is discharged into protected waters or groundwater such as a site of scientific interest, a higher level of treatment may be required. The ACO StormSed Filter is able to offer this level of treatment by using filtration to remove total suspended solids, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons.

The StormSed Filter can either be used as an isolated unit or in conjunction with the StormSed. In this instance the StormSed Vortex is used a the primary treatment before the surface water drains into the StormSed Filter, which minimises the required treatment size of the unit.

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