ACO StormSed Filter

Proprietary Filtration System

ACO StormSed Filter is a surface water pollutant remover, that treats total suspended solids, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons. Where surface water is discharged into protected waters or groundwater such as a site of scientific interest the StormSed Filter can help meet the required level of treatment.

Used either; to protect natural treatment systems by providing a pre-treatment, or alternatively in situations where green infrastructure is not possible due to site footprint. In the latter situation the StormSed Filter can be offered as a primary filtration treatment with compact footprint size.

Click the video to the left to view how the ACO StormSed Filter performs to remove pollutants from surface water, in a practical manner.

Design Features

High Performance

Treating high pollution areas of up to 3000m2, the capacity of the ACO StormClean enables large catchments to be treated within a single unit.

Extreme Rainfall

When sized for more common rainfalls the ACO StormClean will still offer a level of treatment for the extreme rainfall by removing sediment and floatables.

Small Footprint

StormClean others compact filtration treatment. ideal where available footprint is limited.

High Strength

Achieving a D400 load class with no concrete haunch requirement, the StormClean can be installed in many heavy-duty locations.

Install Features
StormSed Filter Installed

Pipe Depth

The innovative design of the StormClean has enabled the inlet and outlet pipe size to remain at similar invert levels, greatly simplifying the installation. 

Independent unit

The StormClean can be installed without a chamber, saving on the associated time and cost.

Optimal Sizing

With a wide variety of units available, the ACO StormClean can be sized efficiently to the project requirements. 

Easy Maintenance 

Maintenance is achieved simply by suction pipe, access is granted through the pipe trap door.

Relevant Products

ACO StormSed Vortex

Capable of removing pollutants such as floatables and sediment bound containmaents, through vortex seperation. The ACO StormSed is suited for a variety of aplications from residential to industrial sites, where a proprietary treatment is adequate.

Integrated Design

The ACO StormSed can supplement the ACO StormClean by offering proprietary treatment prior to surface water entering the StormClean. This will lessen the necesary treatment undertaken within the ACO StormClean, reducing the unit size.

Find out more here

Sed-Vortex 500*300

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