Balcony & Facade
Designing surface water runoff for terraces and facades
With building life expectancies increasing and permitted discharge rates being restricted, managing water from the roof to sewer can be a complex challenge. Careful consideration of attenuation requirements and hydraulic loads are needed to meet these challenges and select the correct and long-lasting balcony drainage solution.
Elevated and roof terraces, roof gardens, level thresholds, façades and balcony drainage present specific challenges to specifiers and contractors. To tackle some of the symptoms of climate change, the reuse of rainwater and the requirement to make use of it at source are becoming increasingly important aspects of planning conditions imposed by local authorities.
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Roof Gardens - Blue/Green Roofs
ACO's patent pending green roof solution, can be partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane. Green roofs play an increasingly important part in sustainable developments, including sustainable urban drainage as they absorb rainfall and reduce flooding, whilst enhancing biodiversity and amenity for residents.
Find out more about ACO Blue Green Roofs

Terrace and balcony thresholds
On a terrace or balcony, the primary aim is to remove the water from the surface as soon as possible enabling safe access and preventing water ingress into a building. These areas are often more exposed, receiving rainwater from the surface area plus other contributing areas, including run-down from the façade.
For more information about our new AS350 channel for Bi-Fold doors

Raised or suspended deck structures
For a raised or suspended deck structure including permeable decking, open-sided drainage channels provide a path of least resistance to the discharge point, collecting water from both the surface and the sub-surface.
Find out more about our new Profiline X Channel

Ground level threshold and Facade
Ground level façade and threshold drainage protects the exterior and ingress points of buildings, capturing rainwater runoff from the building itself and the surrounding area. Considerations include aesthetics for these public access points, heel safe options and adaptable linear, radial and bespoke designs to follow the building contours and curves.
Find out more about our Modular 125 channels
Design Services
Collaboration is very much a part of ACO’s way of working. For over 50 years we have been offering creative design solutions to all sectors of government, public and private enterprise and have a track record for development and regeneration informed by community aspirations and environmental context. Our in house design team and our external design engineers have excellent technical understanding of interconnected systems that can help you create sustainable drainage solutions in all categories of the urban environment.
Tools to support you
We also offer software for design surface to assist you in making your own calculations, as well as design visualisers to assist in helping assess impact of various grating/inlet details. BIM product files along with a variety of other support documents are all available for download here.

Load Class A 15
Roof Outlets
Roof Outlets
Roof Outlets
Load Class A 15

Load Class A 15

Load Class N/A

Load Class A 15
Stainless Steel Pipe
Stainless Steel Pipe
Stainless Steel Pipe

Load Class N/A