Specify + Purchase Total Flow Gullies
Identifying suitable product using the selector
The ACO Total Flow Gully range comprises of cast iron gully products that are easy to specify, install and maintain. The range is particularly well suited for use in areas of high pedestrian traffic and is used in a wide range of applications.
You can easily find the correct Total Flow Gully product for your project in 3 easy steps using our specifier tool below. Simply answer a few questions to define your solution and then proceed to purchase the product either from your preferred merchant or directly from ACO.
- Simply answer a few questions from the drop down selector below about your project. Use 'What's this?' explanations beside each question to help gudie your choices
- Receive our experts' recommended solution for your project (Including a full PDF specification datasheet to download) as the outcome to your choices from the selector.
- Click 'Go to Shop and add the product to the basket. Then proceed to purchase the product, either from your preferred merchant or directly from ACO.
A full PDF specification datasheet is available to download once a suitable product is identified. Please note your final solution may include multiple items supplied as a kit.
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Read how ACO TotalFlow Gully is particularly well suited for use in areas of high pedestrian traffic
Illustrating the basic sequence of
installation within a common application.
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Load Class N/A

Load Class A–D

Load Class AA-D

Load Class N/A

Load Class N/A

Load Class A-C

Load Class A–B

Load Class AA-D

Load Class AA-B